Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Project #2

Our second major house project is adding a bathroom to bedroom number two. Because the house is around 150 years old and there is no such thing as an even floor or wall, it takes a lot of planning and time, but progress is being made.

Randel is a visual learner, so again had to tape off the dimensions to to figure out placement

Ordering fixtures and finishings in France for a German/American house from companies that spoke English was a challenge, but finally found these beautiful blue Spanish tiles.

White and grey marble for the floor

A couple of vintage French sketches found at a flea market that helped inspire the color choice

Later found this beautiful blue pharmacist's bottle that will work beautifully

All new plumbing had to be run up through the living room from the basement

The major structure is up

Shower seat

We had wanted to add a window, but because it would face the church and an historical chateau, the Marie would only approve a skylight, but it does quite a good job of lighting the space.

Towel warmer and tiles starting to go in

Progress thus far - should be completed in January and then we will start on the kitchen!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I've neglected the blog for a little while, but wanted to get some pictures up from our winter visit to Vendoire.  
Our Christmas Shrub
One of the many public trees in the village.  Astarix and Crillon didn't understand why they couldn't pee on them.

Sunset over the chateau wall

The main village tree, with our little house in the background

First time I have seen the village church opened, unfortunately it was for a funeral



The Chateau at Sunset

Fence Post

Vendoire City Limits

Chateau Gate

Wall at Sunset

After a walk in the cold, a warm bath is always warranted

Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Finds

There was a lot I would have bought at the brocante, but Jörg already "can't breathe" in our apartment, so I limited myself to a few things that were hopefully good bargains and don't take up too much space.

French Accounting Ledger

Brass Corner Protector

It is for accounts starting with K for Kelly-Schade

900 Questions to Learn English

Possible or Impossible: An Englishman without an umbrella?

Vintage Tea Towel

Don't know what it's for, but I'll find a purpose

Schöller Chocolate Tin

For €0.50 I had to get this photo for his socks alone.

Les Poupées Terrifiant de la Brocante

Since Jörg was in Lyon, I thought I would share my brocante experience with him, by sending him pictures of some of the creepy dolls I came across.  Who knew there would be so many!

Good Morning!

I think I got in trouble once for doing that to one of my sisters' doll's hair.

This one has an Exorcist vibe going on (along with the bad haircut)

Tough Guys


Just chillin' in his bathrobe


I think he's a chimney sweep

This one looks German

They all just want love.